Itero Dental Crowns

Frequently asked questions about natural-looking dental crowns

What are natural-looking dental crowns?

Our team at StarBrite Dental educates patients in and around Dublin, California, about dental crowns. Dental crowns are a “cap” made to cover the natural tooth structure. The purpose of a quality crown is to restore a damaged tooth or improve its look.

What materials are used to fabricate dental crowns?

Quality dental crowns can be made from many different materials, such as ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), and gold alloy. The most popular material for dental crowns today is ceramic because of its durability and natural tooth-like appearance. Porcelain is not only strong and durable, but it matches the tooth enamel to ensure the restoration blends in with the patient’s smile and existing teeth.

What can I expect during my process of obtaining a dental crown?

Obtaining a dental crown typically requires one visit to StarBrite Dental in Dublin, California. Our dentists prepare the tooth by removing any decay or enamel surface and shaping it to accommodate a crown. An impression, X-ray, or scan of your teeth might also be taken to create an accurate model of your teeth. Our practice uses ITERO technology to fabricate dental crowns right in the office, eliminating the time needed to send off impressions to a dental ceramist outside of the local community. It also ensures that the device can create a natural-looking dental crown that fits properly without experiencing any delays.

The permanent dental crown is fitted and cemented over the prepared tooth. The entire process, from start to finish, can take up to one hour, depending on the complexity of the case.

Call our office for more information
Call us at (925) 828-0252     or     Schedule an Appointment

How long will my dental crown last?

With regular and proper care, your new dental crown will likely last up to 15 years or more. Our dental team can evaluate your restoration at every recall visit to ensure the crown is functioning properly and offer a replacement when needed.

How do I learn more about using dental crowns to restore a smile?

Using a dental crown for restoring teeth is an effective method that can restore form and function to damaged or broken teeth.

If you have any questions or concerns about how a dental crown can help improve your smile, contact us at (925) 828-0252. We are open to new and current patients in and around Dublin, CA.

Dr. Munira Lokhandwala

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