
  • Can enjoy treatment without metal braces.
  • Comfortable clear braces.
  • Get an amazing smile.

Misaligned teeth can negatively affect the appearance of the smile. However, the ideal solution, orthodontics, is often something many patients choose to avoid. Metal bracket and wire braces have a negative stigma tied to them, and any adult who wants to improve their smiles want to do so without feeling like a teenager. With continued advances in orthodontia, patients can now enjoy treatment without dealing with metal brackets and wires. Now, patients can improve their smile with Invisalign.

Invisalign is a revolutionary way of realigning the teeth without brackets and wires covering the smile. Instead, Invisalign uses plastic trays. These trays snap over the dental arch and they are worn for two weeks at a time with many trays in a series. Most patients will have a number of aligner trays in their series and will progress through treatment by switching out to a new tray after two weeks. Dr. Munira Lokhandwala of StarBrite Dental Dublin often describes Invisalign as clear braces.

Video Transcript

Meet the newest members of our family – iTero element 2. Advanced engineering, enhanced design with expanded screen size of 21.5 inches, features and HD screen in wide screen format and delivers a highly accurate and enhanced colour image, designed with an ergonomic wand cradle for ease of use. Faster processor, faster starts up with an integrated battery for uninterrupted scanning. Technologically designed to revolutionize your practice – iTero element flex is transportable, flexible and works seamlessly with laptops, scans anywhere even in the smallest of operatories and I pack into my own convenient carrying case for ease of transport. We’re powered by the iTero digital platform. Full restorative capabilities, treatment planning, custom implant abutment, chair side milling. Time-lapse technology with track changes in Gingiva, tooth wear and tooth movement. Optimized Invisalign connectivity Exclusive Invisalign Outcome Simulator. Engages treatments with possible treatment outcomes. Full arch scans in as little as 60 seconds, advanced wand with integrated gyro technology, outstanding visualization capabilities, elevating clinical precision and trusted in over 2.4 million restorative scans and 6.3 million orthodontic scans worldwide. Your intuitive digital solution and chair side companion.

Invisalign works by gently repositioning teeth in an effective yet comfortable manner with low forces. This works because it can help to gradually improve the alignment of the smile and move teeth into better positions in a discreet manner. This is the selling point for Invisalign, making it one of the main reasons patients choose this over alternative solutions.

Invisalign Before and After Result of a satisfied patient

More Results

The best patients for Invisalign are individuals with mild to moderate misalignment of the dental arch or the bite. While some patients may be great candidates for the treatment, others may not.

Dr. Munira Lokhandwala and the team at Dublin, CA’s StarBrite Dental Dublin are excited to provide new and existing patients with orthodontic alternatives such as Invisalign. Our practice offers this service through a certified Invisalign provider and ensures results with proper patient compliance throughout treatment. If you are interested in determining if you qualify for Invisalign, contact our team today to book an evaluation and a consultation appointment. We would be happy to meet you and your family and assist with your dental health needs.
